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Sunday 17 July 2011

Question 5 on interviews

" What your teaching philoshapy?"

Stick on what your're believing while having class and facing your future students. The main thing to make it update enhane with the organization/school objective. Honest and sincere on what you thinking on handling classes.

Eg: I always bear in my mind to relate theories learned in class with reality out there as my future students will facing reality when after they graduating. Well equipped the students with knowledge as well as make sure they understand the consequences out there which can make someone be stronger and even failure.

The piotential to related both teories and reality based on stories happening around globe, i believed my future students would be ready to cope with various circumstances as the learning not just in term of education but also building up character.

Good luck with your own answer!!

Friday 8 July 2011

Questions 4 on the interviews

Amyza gone thru a lot of different questions and answers during job interviews,but today Amyza found something which i felt important as a junior educator.

"Why Did You Decide To Become a Teacher?"

No right or wrong but answer it honestly and dont make up story, and feel free to share how you are pssionate to be a teacher.

My science teacher change my perception on studies, he was a real inspiration to me, and one of reason I persued a teaching career. His ability to guide students, humor, and sense of justice made me aspire to bring these things to my own classroom

I'm sure you have your own reason...share it!!

Monday 4 July 2011

Questions 3 on the interviews

Getting dizzy of searching what will be asked during interviews? how about "What were your expectations for the previos job and what your opinions of the outcome?"

Guys..never get nervous, here some tips to be followed:
1) Disscus on what you expected when you took the job and give examples of how the position worked out for you. Make sure show the positive things more rather than focus on negative only

2) Please story on the job itself not the company, boss or event your colleagues

3) Be specific on the answer of course give examples
Answer Example: I was active in Extra Curriculur activities during sports day and it was a wonderful experiences when i get to know most of the student in the school. Management assigned me as senior 3 coordinator teacher to maintains student's dicipline. From there i able to enhance my potential controlling the students which very important during class

Monday 14 March 2011